Friday, 9 November 2007

Rainbow Six Vegas

Played Rainbow Six Vegas ( Xbox 360 ) with SwallowFM & HerrNeetz, still in awe with this game... Always keeps you on your toes, swift, and tense all the way through. Great in co-op, and personally I wouldn't want it any other way!?

Pity about my luminous head though....
Must re-take my face map shots in good lighting, and see if it makes a difference!


Anonymous said...

Orange Head LOL! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kats - long time no speak! R6 still rocks. Hope to catch you on Live soooooooon. Cheers. #42

Katsu said...

Going to have to get my stats up eh! Everyone else on my friends list has me well and truly pwned...

Nice to see you again "paulos g" been a long time now eh!
Not the same on LIVE without the drunken version of your fine self though! You need to get a late evening session in soon! For increased LOL'z

Anonymous said...

it looks like you just came out of broadways :) !