I visited Poland in July, was not sure what to expect tbh? People had told me it was not so good and that I would not really enjoy it there, most of them were from Poland themselves! My girlfriend was a little afraid that I may not enjoy it too.
When I arrived at Warsaw airports check in type thing, it was very.... Er Military looking, and the guy at the desk looked like he would very much love shoot me! After successfully avoiding being shot I exited the airport with my girlfriend, and her father was there to drive us to Starachowice.
Luckily i'd met him before so no long introductions just a hug and hello and we were off. The drive took an eternity, the roads were unfinished to say the least, and the driving style was a little bit like Burnout but with dodgy cars!
The whole journey reminded me a little of Bangkok, around the airport was nice but as soon as you started to leave Warsaw things started to look like Slough, then worse (if you can imagine).
When we reached Starachowice, the housing was mainly in massive blocks with some really nice occasional houses scattered around the area's without a block. We were staying in a block, which from the outside looked not so good! Fortunately on the inside it was really nice, as were pretty much all the other flats I visited.
A few other positives were that literally every 100 meters was a shop of sorts, there were pubs all over the place, and a night club just down the road.

Excellent, sounds good chap - so what happened next? I'm intrigued! Did you do much sight seeing and how did you get on with speaking Polish?!
Speaking Polish was a little entertaining, my 1st words were "Duza dupa", which means "Big ass" which is kinda harsh in Polish!? But if I see a big booty why shouldn't I state it so 'Lolz'!
My next words were mainly of the explicit language, and "make me a cup of tea please", "I don't understand" variety...
Has to be said but its a hard, HARD language to pick up! If it wasn't for Iwona being polish I doubt I'd have picked up a quarter of what I know now. I was also lucky enough to live with a house full of Pole's prior to travelling. So I was used to listening and understanding a lot of conversation, even if I couldn't say what I wanted to at least I got the general gist of the conversation around me!
As for sight seeing, other than the surrounding area of Starachowice I only visited Kielce, which had a massive Tesco shopping gallery. Which has a Tesco store surrounded by many other outlets, pubs, cinema, dining venue's (all with VERY attractive ladies!!). The busiest outlets were the clothing & Tesco store. The entertainment & electrical style shops were very quiet which is understandable considering that a CD is roughly equivalent to an average Polish workers entire days wage!!
Tbh I was so caught up with meeting Iwona's family & friends I had very little chance to do much sight seeing at all!
However I loathed returning to the UK, I loved it out there. Proper CHROMEHOUNDS environment raw, paced, and enjoyable!
I can image the area, but i think you should go to Krakow for a few days, try to find a hostel in the center to enjoy it fully.
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